Friday 5 September 2008

Writing Your Very Own Ebook In 5 Days Or Less

Writing Your Very Own E-book In 5 Days Or Less
By Dennis Lively

This ones gonna be short and sweet! If youve been trying to get an online business started, but just havent had any success yet, have you asked yourself why?

Have you looked around, done research on the people who ARE being successful in their online businesses? If you havent, you SHOULD!

Take a look at people like Allen Says, Paul Myers, Anthony Blake, Willie Crawford, Bryan Kumar, Cory Rudl, John Reese, and others and see if you can find the ONE thing they all have in common.

Lets not waste a bunch of time on thatIll just tell you! They all have their own products. Sure, a lot of them are making some pretty good money telling their subscribers about other peoples products now and then, but the heart of their business was originally, and still is, built around their own products.

Does that tell you something?

Sure, there are plenty of very successful affiliate marketers out there. People who KNOW how to make that business work for themANDthey make some GREAT money! They dont have to put in the work to actually create a product, but believe me, the great affiliate marketers have to put in a LOT of work in order to make that great living!

But, what happens if the product youre making all of those affiliate commissions from suddenly disappearsfalls off the face of the earth? What happens if the company starts having financial problems and cant pay affiliate commissions? OR, as happens much more frequently, you see that $100 product youve been getting good commissions from suddenly show up on e-Bay for $10.00!

We all know this happens, sometimes more frequently than it should. But, if youve built YOUR business on SOMEBODY ELSES product, then what can you do?

IF YOU DONT OWN THE PRODUCT, YOU DONT OWN THE BUSINESS! Conversely, if you DO own the product, you DO control what happens to YOUR business.

Im sure youve thought about thisits NOT rocket surgery or brain science! Im just as sure that youve probably made plans, or at least, had thoughts of, someday, having your own product to proudly sell to the world. But, something is holding you back!

THATS exactly why Im writing this book. Over the past 6-7 years, Ive received, literally, 1000s of emails asking me the same questions:

Can you help me write my own e-book? OR, How can I do the same thing youre doing? OR, I really want my own product like you, can you help me get started?

I answered probably 99% of those emails with good, helpful advice for quite a whilebut, as time went on the emails got more numerous. Thats where this book comes in!

I distilled all of that advice, all of that experience, into these pages that you hold in your hand or see on your computer monitor. Its the sum total of what Id tell you if you were sitting right here in my office discussing your business with me. The advice comes from all of the mistakes Ive made along the wayAND learned from. It comes from my successes. It comes from my heart, because Id TRULY like to see you succeed in your own businessId TRULY like to see you take control of your own futureyour own familys future.

Soif YOU really want thatcontrol over your own destinyyou can get started by learning how to create and produce your own e-book using this guide. Together, lets figure out whats holding you back, what you need to finally get started, and figure out which tools and instructions are going to get your first e-book out there where you can start making some money with it!

Hold onthings are gonna get real exciting hereitll be fun, youll see!

Copyright (c) 2006 By Dennis Lively and LiveMark Associates, L.L.C.

Dennis Lively is the well-known host of Net Biz Radio and has written and published more than 160 books that have sold over 50,000 copies in all.

If you liked this installment of Dennis' book, you'll LOVE what you'll find at his newest site, Cash Paydays 4 Writers. Click over there and be prepared to be amazed!

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