Friday 5 September 2008

Buying Articles from Someone Else? Why You Still Need to Write Your Own

Buying Articles from Someone Else? Why You Still Need to Write Your Own
By Denise Willms

There is a time and a place for just about anything. That includes articles you dont write yourself.

With high quality Private Label Rights (PLR) articles, affordable ghostwriters, and even software that can write articles for you, why bother writing your own articles and web content? The articles you buy have the exact words and content you need and, after all, you do own the rights.

But there is one very important thing these articles cant do. They cant BE you. PLR articles, though they may be well written, arent going to tell your reader anything about who you are. Even a ghostwriter, unless you have a very good ghostwriter and youve given him or her good notes to work from, cant sound like you. Computer generated articles are occasionally written in proper English, but they cant show your personality.

One of the most important things your articles can do for you is help your audience get to know you. As your reader, I want to see your personality, hear your opinions, understand what you think. Even if I disagree sometimes, I really do want to know who you are.

Someone once told me that writing is the closest thing there is to true telepathy. You, the writer, have an idea you want to share. You put your thoughts into writing. When others read your article, theyll read the exact words you were thinking. Even if its not telepathy, your writing still has amazing potential to build a connection between you and your reader.

Some of the most successful writers, on the web and off, write just the way they talk. Readers love to hear the authors unique voice come through their written words. It makes the article interesting and it helps the reader make a connection with the writer.

And that leads me to why its so important to show who you are through your articles. On the Internet, where trust is always a concern, your writing helps us get to know you and learn that we can trust you.

There may be a place for PLR and ghostwritten articles in your business, but dont rely on them alone. Take some time to share yourself with your audience through your own articles too. The rewards are long lasting and well worth your while.

Denise Willms is co-owner of and author of the eBook, Uncovering the Secrets of WAHM Article Marketing.

Visit to get your free copy and to submit your own WAHM articles.

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