Thursday 11 September 2008

Ghostwriting: NonFiction Books

Ghostwriting: Non-Fiction Books
By Laura College

One of the most effective ways to advance your career is to write a book. Just look at all of the politicians, C-Level executives, marketing managers, psychologists and economists who have published books and experienced success. Writing a book establishes you as an expert in your industry, which is why so many people are writing books these days. But do you have the time, ability and knowledge to actually sit down and write a book?

If not, a ghostwriter could be the answer to your prayers. A ghostwriter is someone who writes your book for a flat fee, after which you can publish the manuscript under your own byline. You own all the rights to the manuscript, and the ghostwriter works strictly behind the scenes.

Here are a few things that a ghostwritten non-fiction book can do for your career:

Authority Once youve written a book, you will gain authority over the subject matter. It will definitely give you a leg-up over the competition when it comes to the expert status in your industry.

Public Speaking Very few people are asked to speak in public unless they have written a book. Thats simply the facts. When youve had a ghostwriter pen your book, youll be asked to speak at conferences, seminars and lectures.

Job Opportunities Imagine how much better your resume will look once you have Author as one of the categories! It shows that you are knowledgable and experienced, and might put you ahead of the competition.

Raises Your current employer will be impressed with your accomplishment, and it might be just the bargaining chip you need. Your expertise will be suddenly indespensable to your employer.

Dont let your fear of the writing stop you from achieving your dreams. Hiring a ghostwriter to write your non-fiction book can set you on the path to success much faster than almost any other activity. Although it does involve an investment usually of at least $12,000 you can earn ten times that amount in an advance from a publisher, and the fame will be invaluable.

Laura J. College is a professional ghostwriter with more than ten years' experience writing fiction and non-fiction manuscripts. Her work can be found all over the Internet, and she is currently accepting ghostwriting clients. Check out her website at

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