Sunday 14 September 2008

Article Writing and Marketing: How to Quickly Bang Out an Article

Article Writing and Marketing: How to Quickly Bang Out an Article
By Jeff Herring

Have you ever needed to bang out an article very quickly? Here are a few tips and tools for getting an article done fast.

If you just need to bang out an article and/or write anarticle very quickly, you can use my 7 tips formula.

It's really quite simple and powerful

One of the nice things about my 7 tips formula is that you can blow through writer's block very quickly.

In your area of expertise, come up with 7 tips on howto do something. You can also narrow the topic evenmore within your area of expertise by picking a more,specific, narrow or niche subject, and creating 7 tips forthat specific area.

Once you have your 7 tips, write a line or two or threeexplaining the first tip. You can use examples, quotes,case studies, etc Then do this same thing for thesecond tip and the third tip, and so on until you have done all seven.

There you are - you have just banged out an article, quickly and effectively.

Can't think of 7 tips? OK, that happens to all of us from time to time. Start with 5, or 3, or however few you can come up with.

Then let it grow from there.

Visit for more leading edge tips and tools for writing articles that bring you prospects, publicity and profits. You can also subscribe to our monthly Article Writing & Marketing Tips Newsletter. You are also invited to check out my Article Templates for 20 article writing templates.

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