Friday 5 September 2008

Article Writing How to Get and Stay in the Flow to Write More Articles

Article Writing - How to Get and Stay in the Flow to Write More Articles
By Jeff Herring

Do you know how to get and stay in the flow so you can write more articles? You will when you read and use this article.

Once you get started writing articles you need to stay in the flow. You need to keep it going. You need to write regularly.

As an article writing and marketing coach, I have found that for some people the most difficult article to write is not the first, it is the second. You complete the goal of writing an article, get your first one done, and then relax. This is human nature to rest on our laurels.

To be wildly successful though, you need to do all the things that got you to your goal and more. Because this is a numbers game, there really is no finish line.

Remember this is a numbers game. The higher your article volume numbers, the higher all your other numbers are going to be.

In the article writing protocol I use, I am not done with an article once I have submitted it to the article directories. I don't consider my task complete until I have begun the next article. At least begin the outline of the next article and save it.

What you will often find is since you are on a roll, once you outline the next article, you often end up just moving forward and completing that article too. This is getting in the flow.

This is how you write one great quality article after another.

Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

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From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

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