Monday 22 September 2008

Writing TimeOriented Articles

Writing Time-Oriented Articles
By Halstatt Pires

The first step in writing an article for distribution is to come up with a subject. To really make hay, you should always look to see if there is a time element you can incorporate as well.

Time-oriented articles are simply those that deal with an event that has a specific deadline. If you really want to see one of your articles republished thousands upon thousands of times, find a deadline that is universal to all or most readers. Lets look at an example

The easiest universal deadline that comes to mind involves taxes. Every year, we are all supposed to file our taxes on April 15. If you are writing articles for a tax site, you easily could start publishing articles about preparing taxes and submitting them in February or March. A simple subject would be tax changes for 2006 or whatever year it happens to be. Publishers will snap up these articles because they are timely and apply to just about everyone.

Another example would be time-oriented articles related to holidays. Obviously, Christmas is the big one, but there are plenty of holidays you can hit through the year. You can approach these articles in a variety of ways, but you might focus on things such as the top 10 gifts for men, girlfriends, husbands, wives, etc. You could write about product reviews as well. As long as the article is submitted to the directories a month or so before the holiday, you should see a lot of interest from the publishers.

Focusing on time-oriented articles has a second benefit that is nearly as valuable as those mentioned above. Simply put, you can re-write articles each subsequent year as new developments occur. Consider our tax changes article mentioned above. Tax laws change every year, so you can write a new article every year incorporating the latest information. If you take this approach, you will find that you have a bevy of subjects ready to go each year that publishers will snap up.

It is often represented that publishers are looking for well-written articles. If you throw a time element into your writing, it will soon become apparent that they are really looking for timely, well-written articles.

Halstatt Pires is with Marketing Titan - providing article marketing services.

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