Tuesday 9 September 2008

Writing Articles That Capture The Reader's Attention

Writing Articles That Capture The Reader's Attention
By Rahn Naro

Extra, Extra, Read All About It

Sex Sells... Writing Articles That Capture The Readers Attention, Imagination and Interest.

Okay Ill admit it, this article has nothing to do with sex, but everything to do with being sexy, or to put it in context, to write a sexy article.


Hey, dont get your dander up, this isnt a how to on writing for Penthouse or Playboy, it is about borrowing a wee bit of their philosophy and writing something with sex appeal. Let me go on record as saying, Im not promoting pornography, Im a down-to-earth sort of guy and while I believe in freedom of choice, that IS NOT my choice. But I do believe in enticement or to put it another way, the art of persuasion.

There are sexy women, sexy men, there are also sexy cars, boats, airplanes, shoes, clothes and the list goes on. What we want to do is write a sexy article, it has to have power, persuasion and content, but it can also have sex appeal.

One of the best headlines Ive ever read was written by a now famous Internet Marketing Expert that read

Sex Sites Are Not The Only Ones That Can Pull In $5000 A Week Using The Power of Instant Access

The article had nothing to do with sex, but it was certainly a sexy headline, it had the allure of money and since we live in a cash society, money is an important factor in our lives, in a word, its sexy.

Interesting can also be sexy and it is VERY important that anything you write be interesting. Actually the list continues, interesting, informative and unique.

Lets face it, there are thousands of writers and thousands of articles covering pretty much every phase of internet marketing, or life, all you have to do is look. Thats not meant to dampen your spirts, rather give you a bit of perspective.

Hey, the worlds greatest book, The Bible says, ...there is no new thing under the sun.

Thats not said to ain on your parade or stop you from writing, but when you write, write with passion, write from your own unique perspective. Write not only with your head, but your heart as well. Write with honesty and unless youre doing an editorial, write without bias.

Okay, since this is a text article, and no pictures are allowed (least thats what they told me) then Ill have to resort to an example.

Which of the following two paragraphs would be most likely to engage a readers attention, one or two?

  • A local firehouse unveiled their new engine Thursday and the event was well attended by the local community and press. A spokeman for the Fire Department said the new engine would allow quicker responses and safety in the surrounding area. Rides were scheduled for local school children, many of which enjoyed the experience thoroughly.

  • Sunlight gleamed and children beamed as local firehouse 492 unveiled the latest addition to their fire-fighting arsenal, a state-of-the-art shiny red firetruck. While wide eyed children anxiously awaited their rides, a spokeman detailed the safety benefits and heightened response time the engine allowed.
  • Did you guess #1? God, I hope not, that means I spent all this time for nothing. Number two seeks to engage the reader while still describing the same scene and information. And that is the key, ENGAGE the reader, make them want to turn the page or read the next sentence or paragraph.

    With a little bit of practice (and a handy spell checker) most anyone can do it.

    All of us have stared at a blank sheet or paper or a glaring monitor silently screaming input, input, when that happens, take a break, a brainstorming break.

    People want to know what you know. Especially if youre an expert. Not an expert? Then become one by reading, researching and studying the subject that interests you. If it interests you, youll learn, if you learn, then eventually (maybe an hour, maybe a month) youll be able to write with authority about that subject. To sum it up, write about what you know, How To Do Something Better, Easier, Faster has and always will be an ideal subject.

    The example concerning the fire truck was a narrative, thats not always necessary, but a point by point list of specifics is. What do you know about that fire truck if you were writing the article.

    Its new (fewer chances for failure)

    Its modern (taking advantage of latest innovations)

    It provides quicker response time (less chance of fires becoming out of hand)

    It allows more safety in the community. (peace of mind for the residents)

    And so on until youve told your readers what they need to hear and understand.

    The One, Two Punch - Set Em Up -Take Em Down.

    Present a credible point of view, then show how that cant possibly be correct based on current market studies, technology, innovations or whatever your point is. For instance, Can The Fire Department Actually Prevent The Spread Of Wild Fires? While extolling the virtues of the fire department, the new engine, etc., youd point out the fact that safety begins at home and only education and safety can actually prevent fires.

    Prove it.

    Dont just tell them why you think something is true, show them. Find real life examples of how fires have been started by the careless campers, and while numbers (statistics) can be used, keep them to a minimum, your article (unless it actually is) isnt a year end corporate earning report, it's geared toward educating people. Remember that and use the case studies as a springboard to explain your (the correct) point of view.


    Whenever possible, weave a quotation from someone of authority into your article. In our example about the new fire engine, you would have quoted the Fire Chief as he explained the benefits and safety of the new engine. Prepare your questions ahead of time. You can still be spontaneous, but have a plan in mind then deviate when and if necessary.

    What Does The Future Hold?

    What are other cities and communities doing in this same area. Till next time netpreneur(s), remember

    The greatest mistake you can make in life is to fear that you will make one.

    Rahn is an accomplished authors, director and world traveler. During those travels, hoping from one flight to another, bivouacking under spartan conditions, he honed his ability to write and weave a carefully crafted tale. Rahn recently completed Mind Mastery (a CD that teaches how to access the hidden reaches of the mind and unlock its potential). You can read more of his writing at Find-Read-Discover.com. One of Rahn's books Unleash The Power Of Your Subconscious is available as a free download (sample chapters) at Unleash The Power Of your Subconscious.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=RahnNaro

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