Thursday 11 September 2008

Writing Your Book Fast 7 Simple Secrets

Writing Your Book Fast, 7 Simple Secrets
By Bob Burnham

Most people assume that it will take years to complete a book. Of course, assuming this is true, it means that the majority of aspiring authors just dont have the time or motivation to complete a book.

However it doesnt have to take years. In fact, it shouldnt. You should be able to write a book in less than two months.

Here are 7 Secrets for writing your book in record time:

1.Establish a writing plan.
Your writing plan is an organized structure for your book. How long is it going to be? What are the titles for the chapters? What points do you want to discuss in each chapter and if youre writing fiction, then what is the plot. If you dont have a well defined plan for your book, it is significantly more difficult to see it through and to get it done fast. I discuss exactly how to craft an effective writing plan in my book, 101 Reasons You Must Write A Book How To Make A 6 Figure Income Writing & Publishing Your Own Book

2.Save research for the end.
One of the most time consuming aspects of many books is the research. Authors spend days, months, and even years compiling their research before they sit down to actually write. Dont do this! Save your research until the end. As you write, make notes on where you need specific facts or information. Finish your manuscript first. Then conduct the necessary research. This eliminates any time wasted researching material that you dont need for your book.

3.Dont edit as you write.
Hours of time each day can be saved if you dont self edit as you write. Save the editing for the second draft. Your first priority is to complete your books first draft in as little time as possible. Dont correct your spelling, dont correct your grammar, and dont even correct incomplete or inaccurate thoughts or statements. This can all wait for the second draft.

4.Set aside time every day to write.
This is important, even if you can only set aside ten minutes a day to write, you must write every day. The consistent progress and commitment to completing your book will have your book done in no time.

5.Dont try to make it perfect.
Quite often, authors let themselves get stuck in the quest for literary perfection. It doesnt exist so dont let yourself fall into the trap. If you do, youll simply lose time trying to find that perfect word or perfect description.

6.Plan your attack.
You know how long your book is going to be and youve established a book plan so how quickly do you want your book to be completed? If youre planning on a 200 page book and you can commit to 10 pages a day then youll be done in 20 days. Of course you have to stick to your plan to make it happen!

7.Write when you are most productive.
Not a morning person? Then dont decide to write in the morning. Makes sense but youd be surprised how often people will try to get up early to write. It is very important to write during your most productive time of the day but also the time of the day when youre most likely to follow through on your plan.

Writing and publishing your own book will create miracles in your life and it is a lot easier than most people realize.

Bob Burnham
Entrepreneur, Consultant and Author of 101 Reasons Why You Must Write A Book

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For Information on How to Write and Publish your own book go to Expert Author :
Read More On: How To Write A Book

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