Wednesday 15 October 2008

10 Tips to Improve Your Copywriting Right Now

10 Tips to Improve Your Copywriting Right Now
By Ruth Clare

It is easy to figure out what you want to say. Whats difficult is taking the time to understand what your customers want and need to hear in order for them to act. By trying a few of these simple copywriting suggestions your marketing materials will become more compelling and convincing... and that means better results for you!

1. Pretend you are sitting down having coffee with one person from your target market and write the way you would chat to them.

2. Start analysing all the marketing material that comes your way. What works? What doesnt? Can you see any common threads in the successful pieces? Keep those pieces and make sure your work is in the same ballpark as theirs.

3. Write so a five-year-old can understand what you are saying

4. Give what you say credibility through case studies, statistics, testimonials, research findings, endorsements, credentials or money-back guarantees

5. Ask yourself, What are your customers really buying? e.g. peace of mind

6. Once you have done a first draft, sleep on it before starting to edit

7. Do the so what test. If at any point in your copy your reader asks, so what? that part needs to be more personal, more specific and give more reasons why

8. Overcome all imagined objections by writing them down and responding to them in your copy e.g.Cant afford it = payment plan

9. If you are having trouble getting to the benefit, describe a feature and then write, what this means to you is

10. You can produce good copy if you work hard enough.

To find out more about how good copywriting can connect you with your customers just visit

Ruth Clare is a professional copywriter with a passion for putting the customer first. She runs a graphic design business, Mono Design, with her husband in Melbourne, Australia

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