Thursday 27 November 2008

Writing Online Articles is a Feather in Your Cap in Becoming a Professional Writer

Writing Online Articles is a Feather in Your Cap in Becoming a Professional Writer
By Lance Winslow

Some professional writers and authors will tell online article writers that these articles are substandard and will not help them break into the print world or help them develop a solid resume as a writer. As an online article author of some 11,000 articles I take exception with this theory and believe it to be incorrect.

In fact if I may be so bold as to state my point in a just-less-than-tirade fashion, we know that many online article authors have had their articles re-printed in many places in print. Indeed, I myself have, there are many other top online article others on the top online article submission websites that have as well. Some online article authors have come forward with their articles being re-printed.

Publishers and Literary Agents are Not Turned Off by Online Articles

Actually, when I was in NY, I mentioned that I had over 10,000 online articles and they looked it up on the Internet while I was there. In Boston, although a specialty publisher of Futurist type stuff, they too, said hmmm when I mentioned it. I never got any you're not professional comments or dirty looks for online article authoring. I did get a so what look when I told them. To say that publishers look down on you for having online article submission, well, that simply is not so.

Further if someone is so downtrodden with rejection letters from Professional Literary Publishers, maybe they need to change their tactics in selling themselves, and stop running redline with the rest of the pack and try new things. Online article authoring could be that new thing and another feather in your cap and listing on your resume as well.

Nobody Said Life Would Be Easy for Writers

I realize that selling your work to a publisher or attracting literary agents is tough work and might get depressing. Hell sometimes you are lucky if you even hear back at all or even get one of those stupid form letters. You know what, Smile, say thank you and make a paper airplane with it and sail it across the room and say to the next, and then next after that. Ask them what they are looking for first, know your customer and sell yourself and your pitch and stop pitching crap no one wants to read?

Every Author Wants to Win

Everyone wants to be an author these days, half of middle aged America is underemployed and wants to be an author, but only the competitive diehards who never give up are going to be published and most of them are going to paid next to nothing for it. Remember; Sun Tzu, fight the battles you can fight, move on and keep moving. Strong survive, weakness walks and professional authors should stop acting like poor sports and attacking online article marketing. If their stuff is so good, why do they care what online article authors do? Ill tell you why, their stuff isnt and the readers are less sophisticated, there is more competition than ever before and fewer people reading. Deal with it, as that is the stuff free markets are made of. What do they want some cheese with that whine?

Online Article Writing Rocks No Matter What Anyone Else Says

Personally, I could care less if anyone says that online article authoring does not count for your credentials as an author, it counts to me, I am proud of it and I plan on putting it on my list of achievements and resume. Because it does show you are serious. Anyone who thinks it shows un-professionalism to write online articles does not understand the future of books in the digital age. Sometimes I think that print publishers do not either, they do I think, they must see it coming too; how can anyone not?

Future of Digital Literature Commeth

You know, look at the Sony Reader, soon there will be lists of books, not in the stores for people to download onto. So you better get those eBooks written and have them edited and ready to rip when they start moving forward with it all? What about the new Google Bar search feature for Digital Books too? Digital is the new, and anything in a digital format is just as relevant as not. To the readers of the future it is very much as important as print. In the future it will only be a matter of quality and not the medium. This is not Print VS Digital; it is innovation and the forward progression of books, reading and reality.

Professional Print Writers and Sour Grapes?

Indeed a good portion of these folks who call themselves Professional Authors are kidding themselves in that not all of their stuff is not that good; well it is not good enough for them to get on their high horses and attack the World of online article authors. It reminds me of nearly every industry I have ever competed in. The so-called industry professionals are so worried about losing their strong hold and anyone offering services for less and anyone who might take away from their fiefdom, that they rail against what they know so little about.

Press On Online Line Article Authors!

There is more than one reason to use online article submission sites, I can think of 10 and establishing yourself and boosting your confidence, resume and your status as an author is one of them. Digital Articles, Digital eBooks and digital everything is where it is at and Multi-media will replace the fine literature of past periods the game is evolving and I suggest everyone who is serious; Play this game to WIN! Sorry, I do not buy T.G.s logic and from personal observation, believe it sends the wrong message too.

I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

Lance Winslow - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

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Thursday 6 November 2008

Writing Short Articles A Few Important Rules!

Writing Short Articles - A Few Important Rules!
By Peter Morgan

Writing short articles should be your rule of thumb when putting together any piece for Web publication. Unlike print publications such as newspapers and magazines, short article writing is a sought after craft, to the point where writing long articles is frowned on.

How short should your articles be?

On the Web 400 to 500 word articles are probably the norm. If you're putting together a newsletter or e-zine the rule of thumb for the short articles you're writing is 500-800 words, and no more than 15 short paragraphs.

The short articles you're writing for the e-zines or newsletters must have short paragraphs, divided by an extra line of white space. Online readers have short attention spans and scan rather than read the articles. They want to see at a glance whether they need to peruse further down the short article you are writing.

Here are some tips to make sure the article you are writing is short.

First, use that Web headline to get the users attention. That is where your benefit should first be written. What's in it for me should be clarified or at least alluded to in the first three sentences. This is the introduction to the short article you are writing.

Two things you must do and know before you start writing your short article are the audience you are writing for, the purpose of writing the short article and the outline for the piece. Knowing your audience will allow you to focus on and narrow the slant of the article, and keep your writing detailed, concise and short.

The outline you prepare should note the four of five key points of the article you are writing - before you write it. Once you have your outline then each paragraph will be about one point listed in your outline.

You may very well have several underlying points for each key point. These underlying points would then make up the short sentences in the article you are writing. No paragraph should include more than five sentences, nor should there be any convolution in those sentences.

Once you're finished writing your short article then go back and make a game out of shortening it even further. In this day of Internet growth, writing short articles can be your freelance bread and butter.

Home based web based business opportunities are becoming more and more popular for article writers and there are some excellent websites that allow you to earn recurring commissions from your efforts.

Peter Morgan is the founder of JV Members Ltd - a new article writing and publishing system - which enables anyone, to run a homebased online business - and it won't cost you a penny! Click Article Writing and Publishing to find out how to earn a recurring income online.

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